
Cities & Operators

Fleet & Drivers


A letter from David Wilson

Dear Khalid, 

Going digital is no longer a choice but a necessity. By digitising processes like many within councils, we're not only making our council operations more efficient but also significantly contributing to our sustainability goals.

With the recent launch of our Kerbside Strategy, this digital shift is allowing us to understand how we use our shared kerbside across the borough. Crucially, it’s giving us this in a live view, and enabling us to define projects, deliver them, and then check our progress as the journey towards healthier, more sustainable streets over the next 8 years.

This technology will also make communication within the council, with stakeholders, with our residents, and across London much easier. You can see how Lambeth uses its kerbside for yourself, what would you change?

The strategy committed us to some challenging targets, and digitisation unlocks our ability to track our progress along the way and will provide the transparency and trust with the people we worked with, and for, in creating it.

Lambeth Council uses AppyWay’s Traffic Suite to digitally manage and share their traffic orders and has been part of the development of Kerb BI, our powerful new reporting tool for councils wanting to track progress on their kerbside goals.

How is
data powering BT Group’s EV charging cabinet transformation?

How is data powering BT Group’s EV charging cabinet transformation?

The adoption of EVs is increasing and charging infrastructure rollout will need to keep pace. BT Group’s commitment to sustainability and its nationwide upgrade to full fibre has meant the group is seeking to repurpose their street cabinets into a network of EV chargers.

AppyWay’s kerbside data, recognised as the UK’s most comprehensive, is playing a pivotal role in BT Group’s visionary initiative.

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Hidden opportunities: Seamless tools
to design Field Service productivity

Hidden opportunities: Seamless tools to design Field Service productivity

We've teamed up with GetHomeSafe and FLS - FAST LEAN SMART to bring a unique webinar event to Field Operations Managers.

We'll discuss today’s real-world challenges such as:

- Before the dispatch - remote risk assessments

- Balancing resources with real-time scheduling

- The skills retention advantage of engaging and protecting lone workers Lone worker and decarbonisation benefits of incorporating parking data

Don't miss this exclusive webinar, sign up today

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Industry News 

Electric vehicle sales targets to remain
for carmakers

Electric vehicle sales targets to remain for carmakers

The decision to push ahead with the ZEV mandate targets comes despite the Government delaying the ban on the sale new petrol and diesel vehicles

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Transport, fleets and mobility reacts to delay in 2030 ban

Transport, fleets and mobility reacts to delay in 2030 ban

PM has delayed the ban on new ICE car and van sales by five years provoking a strong reaction across industry and on both sides of the argument.

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Decarbonising cities from the kerb up by connecting drivers with cities for a better, greener city experience.

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Cities & Operators 
Fleets & Drivers

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