May 2024 Kerbside Digest
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Andrew Glass Hastings Executive Director, Open Mobility Foundation

Hello there, 

I was thrilled to participate in Parkex and Traffex 2024, in particular the chance to present in the Management & Mobility track alongside the Department for Transport (DfT) and AppyWay on the significant benefits of transitioning to Digital Traffic Regulation Orders (D-TROs). As representatives from across the Digital Traffic Order (D-TROs) lifecycle, we showcased how councils can make the most out of their impending move to D-TROs. 

For Lambeth, the use of AppyWay’s D-TRO management solution Traffic Suite has led to a number of benefits including reduced staff time and cost to make Orders, and increased transparency for residents and businesses. D-TROs in Traffic Suite have seen fewer freedom of information requests related to Orders being received and we will be able to automatically transfer current digital data through an API connection to the DfT platform.

I was asked during my presentation: What one piece of advice would you give to councils looking to transition to D-TROs? My answer... I urge other councils to embrace this transition rather than wait for a government mandate or deadline. It can be tempting to delay, particularly in light of the upcoming election, but early adoption has offered Lambeth immediate advantages. 

Lambeth Council’s successful implementation is now serving as a model, and it was great to share our insights and experiences with the delegation.

David Eaglesham

Head of Service Development & Street Management, Lambeth Council

We’re bringing kerb… curbside management to NYC!

We’re bringing kerb… curbside management to NYC!

We're thrilled to be part of the largest-ever Transit Tech Lab class that will work to enhance customer experience, system resiliency and curb management in New York City!

The challenge will seek to answer: How can we maximize the city’s curb space to serve the multiple and varied needs of New Yorkers? AppyWay will lend our "curb"side mapping, management and data expertise to the project. Read more about our participation and the wider challenge.

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Bath & North East Somerset streamlines D-TRO management with AppyWay

Bath & North East Somerset streamlines D-TRO management with AppyWay

Faster, more efficient D-TRO management comes to Bath & North East Somerset!

Moving from a GIS system to Traffic Suite, B&NES are keen to take advantage of the superior capabilities Traffic Suite has in APIs, data reporting and not to mention the streamlined D-TRO process.

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Industry News 

Appy's Commercial Director Matt Terry busts the TRO digitisation myths with
Parking News

Appy's Commercial Director Matt Terry busts the TRO digitisation myths with Parking News

Digitising traffic regulation orders is a hot topic at the moment - and there are differing opinions about the process in terms of timescales and complexity. Matt Terry sat down with Louise Parfitt of Parking News to counter some of the negativity.


Self-driving vehicles set to be on roads by
2026 as Automated Vehicles Act becomes law

Self-driving vehicles set to be on roads by 2026 as Automated Vehicles Act becomes law

Self-driving vehicles could be on British roads in just 2 years as new law receives Royal Assent. Travel is set to be revolutionised by £42 billion sector, increasing road safety and unlocking opportunities for those who currently can’t drive.

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Decarbonising cities from the kerb up by connecting drivers with cities for a better, greener city experience.

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